Roma Surf Shop
tshirt graphics / branding

Tshirt graphics for indiependent surf shop specialiing in custom boards and apparel.
Danner Boots
animation / gif

Series of illustrations, animations, type treatments and title screen concepts for Danner Boots for 4 feature films based around the themes of canoeing, bouldering, fishing and surfing created by James Bowden and Chris McClean. You can see a showreel of the animations and gifs created for each film HERE.
Leap Eco

An iteration of a commemorative stencil screenprint I was commissioned to create for Leap Eco’s founder and director Matt Hocking who is a passionate and dedicated environmental activist operating within the design industry.

Main feature and spot illustrations for an editorial piece for ARM commisioned by the Stranger Collective. The article was a retrospective of one of the founding members lives as he was approaching his last day.